Ethiopian Catholic Secretariat
Press Release
The Ethiopian Catholic Church in the year 2020 has implemented 189 social and development
projects in different parts of the country worth 2.5 billion Birr and benefited more than six
million citizens. The Church also planned to implement projects worth 2.8 billion Birr to benefit
more than seven million citizens in the year 2021.
The General Assembly of the Ethiopian Catholic Church Social and Development Commission
held its annual assembly on Wednesday, March 31st 2021 At the General Secretariat of the
Catholic Bishops' Conference of Ethiopia. The assembly had an honor of the attendance of His
Eminence Cardinal Berhaneyesus Metropolitan Catholic Archbishop, Bishops, board members
of the Development Commission and representatives of the Diocesan Social and Development
The Ethiopian Catholic Church Social and Development Commission is an Institution which
provides charitable services to the people in Ethiopia through its 13 diocesan development
offices and religious congregations regardless of religion, race, gender, standard of living or any
other factor. The Catholic Church's Services provided by the Social and Development
Commission include Health, Education, Food security, promotion of Women's and Children's
life, Clean water supply, Emergency responses and socio-pastoral care for refugees and
The General Assembly of the Commission discussed over the activities implemented in the year
2020 and audit reports of the year 2020 was presented by an external auditor and were
discussed and approved by the assembly. the work plan for the year 2021 was presented,
discussed and approved. In the fiscal year of 2020, the Commission implemented one hundred
and eighty nine projects in different regions of the country and as a result, more than six
million citizens directly benefited from the service of the Catholic Church.
Natural and man-made disasters in Ethiopia during the past year have had a significant
negative impact on the community. The outbreak of COVD 19 pandemic, desert locusts and
floods affected the life of the society at large. War and conflicts are having resulted in deaths of
many, displacement, looting and destruction of property in various parts of the country.
In addition to projects directly implemented by the Commission, the Ethiopian Catholic Church
has raised 40,000,000.00 (forty million Ethiopian Birr) from international donor partners to
respond to the pandemic emergencies. The raised funds were used for the purchase and
distribution of foods, non-food items and COVD 19 protective equipment for staff working in
Catholic Health institutions. The Church also issued guidelines to be used in all places of
worship, schools, health facilities, and all church institutions to prevent the spread of the
COVID 19 epidemic.
The Church also raised over 80,000,000.00 (Eighty Million Ethiopian Birr) and is providing
financial and food assistance to people affected by war and various conflicts in Tigray, Amhara,
Benishangul Gumuz and other regions. The Church is providing immediate assistance to IDPs
by distributing foods rations and non-food items.
In additions to the works done by the Catholic Church social and development commissions all
Catholic Church Relief and aid Organizations working in Ethiopia who are members of Caritas
Network Forum of Ethiopia, Dioceses, Congregations and Church institutions have made
support to the people affected by war specially in Tigray and other regions worth
1,000,000,000.00 (one billion Ethiopian Birr) in distribution of food, nonfood item, water
trenching and health assistance. These activities benefited more than two million people. Each
Diocese, especially the dioceses of Adigrat and Bahir Dar-Dessie, who are directly affected by
the war and the conflicts, are providing spiritual, socio-pastoral, financial and in-kind
assistance to the victims.
Delegation of the Catholic bishops’ Conference have made solidarity visit to Adigrat and
Bahirdar Dessie Eparchies and visited the Bishops, clergy, religious men and women and lay
faithful and the people affected by the conflict.
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Ethiopia individually and together with other religious
institutions have officially called on all parties and pleaded with them to stop any conflict and
resolve their differences through dialogue. She continues to denounce all human right abuses,
killing of innocent civilians, displacement of people, destroying of properties and pleads to all
parties to work for peace and stop shedding of blood of innocent civilians.
The Ethiopian Catholic Church will continue implementing various projects which could benefit
people and have a plan to mobilize more than 2.8 Billion Ethiopian Birr in the year 2021 and
benefit more than seven million citizens.