Parish Council
Parish Council
We believe that parish ministries are a call to serve and that stewardship is sacrificial giving of time, talent, and treasure.
Chair Person
Mengistu HaileMariam
Amsale Woldemariam
Pastoral Committee
Tessema Haileyesus
Abye Kifle
Outreach Committee
Elfnesh Begashaw
Hirut Surafel
Finance Committee
Daniel Abraham
Desta Ayenew
HaileMichael Shewangizaw
Yohannes Yosef
Social Committee
Fassil Wubeshet
Meaza GebreSelassie
Nigist Mandefro
Tshion Lemma
Children Committee
MelakeSelam Ayele
Sosina Asrat
Youth Committee
Rahel GebreSelassie
Yodit Shiferaw