Parish Council

Parish Council

We believe that parish ministries are a call to serve and that stewardship is sacrificial giving of time, talent, and treasure.


Chair Person

  • Mengistu HaileMariam


  • Amsale Woldemariam

Pastoral Committee

  • Tessema Haileyesus

  • Abye Kifle

Outreach Committee

  • Elfnesh Begashaw

  • Hirut Surafel

Finance Committee

  • Daniel Abraham

  • Desta Ayenew

  • HaileMichael Shewangizaw

  • Yohannes Yosef

Social Committee

  • Fassil Wubeshet

  • Meaza GebreSelassie

  • Nigist Mandefro

  • Tshion Lemma

Children Committee

  • MelakeSelam Ayele

  • Sosina Asrat

Youth Committee

  • Rahel GebreSelassie

  • Yodit Shiferaw