April 25 2021
First Reading
Hebrews 9፡11-28
But Christ, standing as the High Priest of future good things, through a greater and
more perfect tabernacle, one not made by hand, that is, not of this creation, entered
once into the Holy of Holies, having obtained eternal redemption, neither by the blood
of goats, nor of calves, but by his own blood. For if the blood of goats and oxen, and the
ashes of a calf, when these are sprinkled, sanctify those who have been defiled, in order
to cleanse the flesh, how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the Holy
Spirit has offered himself, immaculate, to God, cleanse our conscience from dead works,
in order to serve the living God? And thus, he is the Mediator of the new testament, so
that, by his death, he intercedes for the redemption of those transgressions which were
under the former testament, so that those who have been called may receive the
promise of an eternal inheritance. For where there is a testament, it is necessary for the
death of the one who testifies to intervene. For a testament is confirmed by death.
Otherwise, it as yet has no force, as long as the one who testifies lives. Therefore,
indeed, the first was not dedicated without blood. For when every commandment of the
law had been read by Moses to the entire people, he took up the blood of calves and
goats, with water and with scarlet wool and hyssop, and he sprinkled both the book
itself and the entire people, saying: "This is the blood of the testament which God has
commanded for you." And even the tabernacle, and all the vessels for the ministry, he
similarly sprinkled with blood. And nearly everything, according to the law, is to be
cleansed with blood. And without the shedding of blood, there is no remission.
Therefore, it is necessary for the examples of heavenly things to be cleansed, just as,
indeed, these things were. Yet the heavenly things are themselves better sacrifices than
these. For Jesus did not enter by means of holy things made with hands, mere examples
of the true things, but he entered into Heaven itself, so that he may appear now before
the face of God for us. And he did not enter so as to offer himself repeatedly, as the
high priest enters into the Holy of Holies each year, with the blood of
another. Otherwise, he would need to have suffered repeatedly since the beginning of
the world. But now, one time, at the consummation of the ages, he has appeared in
order to destroy sin though his own sacrifice. And in the same manner as it has been
appointed for men to die one time, and after this, to be judged, so also Christ was
offered, one time, in order to empty the sins of so many. He shall appear a second time
without sin, for those who await him, unto salvation.
Second Reading
1 Peter 4፡1-11
Since Christ has suffered in the flesh, you also should be armed with the same intention.
For he who suffers in the flesh desists from sin, so that now he may live, for the
remainder of his time in the flesh, not by the desires of men, but by the will of God. For
the time that has passed is sufficient to have fulfilled the will of the Gentiles, those who
have walked in luxuries, lusts, intoxication, feasting, drinking, and the illicit worship of
idols. About this, they wonder why you do not rush with them into the same confusion
of indulgences, blaspheming. But they must render an account to him who is prepared
to judge the living and the dead. For because of this, the Gospel was also preached to
the dead, so that they might be judged, certainly, just like men in the flesh, yet also, so
that they might live according to God, in the Spirit. But the end of everything draws
near. And so, be prudent, and be vigilant in your prayers. But, before all things, have a
constant mutual charity among yourselves. For love covers a multitude of sins. Show
hospitality to one another without complaining. Just as each of you has received grace,
minister in the same way to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of
God. When anyone speaks, it should be like words of God. When anyone ministers, it
should be from the virtue that God provides, so that in all things God may be honored
through Jesus Christ. To him is glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
John 5:11-30
He answered them, "The one who healed me, he said to me, 'Take up your stretcher and
walk.' " Therefore, they questioned him, "Who is that man, who said to you, 'Take up
your bed and walk?’ " But the one who had been given health did not know who it was.
For Jesus had turned aside from the crowd gathered in that place. Afterwards, Jesus
found him in the temple, and he said to him: "Behold, you have been healed. Do not
choose to sin further, otherwise something worse may happen to you." This man went
away, and he reported to the Jews that it was Jesus who had given him health. Because
of this, the Jews were persecuting Jesus, for he was doing these things on the
Sabbath. But Jesus answered them, "Even now, my Father is working, and I am
working." And so, because of this, the Jews were seeking to kill him even more so. For
not only did he break the Sabbath, but he even said that God was his Father, making
himself equal to God. Then Jesus responded and said to them: "Amen, amen, I say to
you, the Son is not able to do anything of himself, but only what he has seen the Father
doing. For whatever he does, even this does the Son do, similarly. For the Father loves
the Son, and he shows him all that he himself does. And greater works than these will he
show him, so much so that you shall wonder. For just as the Father raises the dead and
gives life, so also does the Son give life to whomever he wills. For the Father does not
judge anyone. But he has given all judgment to the Son, so that all may honor the Son,
just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son, does not honor the
Father who sent him. Amen, amen, I say to you, that whoever hears my word, and
believes in him who sent me, has eternal life, and he does not go into judgment, but
instead he crosses from death into life. Amen, amen, I say to you, that the hour is
coming, and it is now, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God; and those
who hear it shall live. For just as the Father has life in himself, so also has he granted to
the Son to have life in himself. And he has given him the authority to accomplish
judgment. For he is the Son of man. Do not be amazed at this. For the hour is coming in
which all who are in the grave shall hear the voice of the Son of God. And those who
have done good shall go forth to the resurrection of life. Yet truly, those who have done
evil shall go to the resurrection of judgment. I am not able to do anything of myself. As I
hear, so do I judge. And my judgment is just. For I do not seek my own will, but the will
of him who sent me.
Palm Sunday
1 Corinthians 15:1-8
And so, I make known to you, brothers, the Gospel that I preached to you, which you
also received, and on which you stand. By the Gospel, too, you are being saved, if you
hold to the understanding that I preached to you, lest you believe in vain. For I handed
on to you, first of all, what I also received: that Christ died for our sins, according to the
Scriptures; and that he was buried; and that he rose again on the third day, according to
the Scriptures; and that he was seen by Cephas, and after that by the eleven. Next, he
was seen by more than five hundred brothers at one time, many of whom remain, even
to the present time, although some have fallen asleep. Next, he was seen by James, then
by all the Apostles. And last of all, he was seen also by me, as if I were someone born at
the wrong time.
Matthew 20:29-34
And as they were departing from Jericho, a great crowd followed him. And behold, two
blind men, sitting by the way, heard that Jesus was passing by; and they cried out,
saying, "Lord, Son of David, take pity on us." But the crowd rebuked them to be quiet.
But they cried out all the more, saying, "Lord, Son of David, take pity on us." And Jesus
stood still, and he called them and said, "What do you want, that I might do for
you?" They said to him, "Lord, that our eyes be opened." Then Jesus, taking pity on
them, touched their eyes. And immediately they saw, and they followed him.
Matthew 21፡1-17
And when they had drawn near to Jerusalem, and had arrived at Bethphage, at the
Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them: "Go into the town that is
opposite you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. Release
them, and lead them to me. And if anyone will have said anything to you, say that the
Lord has need of them. And he will promptly dismiss them." Now all this was done in
order to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet, saying, "Tell the daughter of Zion:
Behold, your king comes to you meekly, sitting on a donkey and on a colt, the son of
one accustomed to the yoke." Then the disciples, going out, did just as Jesus instructed
them. And they brought the donkey and the colt, and they laid their garments on them,
and they helped him sit upon them. Then a very numerous crowds spread their
garments on the way. But others cut branches from the trees and scattered them on the
way. And the crowds that preceded him, and those that followed, cried out, saying:
"Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest!" And when he had entered into Jerusalem, the entire city was
stirred up, saying, "Who is this?" But the people were saying, "This is Jesus, the Prophet
from Nazareth of Galilee." And Jesus entered into the temple of God, and he cast out all
who were selling and buying in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money
changers and the chairs of the vendors of doves. And he said to them: "It is written: 'My
house shall be called a house of prayer. But you have made it into a den of robbers.'
" And the blind and the lame drew near to him in the temple; and he healed them. Then
the leaders of the priests and the scribes became indignant, seeing the miracles that he
wrought, and the children crying out in the temple, saying, "Hosanna to the Son of
David!" And they said to him, "Do you hear what these ones are saying?" But Jesus said
to them, "Certainly. Have you never read: For out of the mouth of babes and infants, you
have perfected praise?" And leaving them behind, he went out, beyond the city, into
Bethania, and he lodged here.
Mark 11:1-12
And as they were approaching Jerusalem and Bethania, toward the mount of Olives, he
sent two of his disciples, and he said to them: "Go into the village that is opposite you,
and immediately upon entering there, you will find a colt tied, on which no man has yet
sat. Release him and bring him. And if anyone will say to you: 'What are you doing?' Say
that the Lord has need of him. And he will immediately send him here." And going out,
they found the colt tied before the outer gate, at the meeting of two ways. And they
untied him. And some of those who were standing there said to them, "What are you
doing by releasing the colt?" And they spoke to them just as Jesus had instructed them.
And they permitted them. And they led the colt to Jesus. And they placed their
garments on it; and he sat upon it. Then many spread their garments along the way; but
others cut down leafy branches from trees and scattered them on the way. And those
who went ahead, and those who followed, cried out saying: "Hosanna! Blessed is he who
has arrived in the name of the Lord. Blessed is the advent of the kingdom of our father
David. Hosanna in the highest!" And he entered into Jerusalem, into the temple. And
having looked around at everything, since it was now the evening hour, he went out to
Bethania with the twelve. And the next day, as they were departing from Bethania, he
was hungry.
Luke 19:28-48
And having said these things, he went ahead, ascending to Jerusalem. And it happened
that, when he had drawn near to Bethphage and Bethania, to the mount which is called
Olivet, he sent two of his disciples, saying: "Go into the town which is opposite you.
Upon entering it, you will find the colt of a donkey, tied, on which no man has ever sat.
Untie it, and lead it here. And if anyone will ask you, 'Why are you untying it?' you shall
say this to him: 'Because the Lord has requested its service.' " And those who were sent
went out, and they found the colt standing, just as he told them. Then, as they were
untying the colt, its owners said to them, "Why are you untying the colt?" So they said,
"Because the Lord has need of it." And they led it to Jesus. And casting their garments
on the colt, they helped Jesus onto it. Then, as he was traveling, they were laying down
their garments along the way. And when he was now drawing near to the descent of
Mount Olivet, the entire crowd of his disciples began to praise God joyfully, with a loud
voice, over all the powerful works which they had seen, saying: "Blessed is the king who
has arrived in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory on high!" And certain
Pharisees within the crowd said to him, "Teacher, rebuke your disciples." And he said to
them, "I tell you, that if these will keep silent, the stones themselves will cry out." And
when he drew near, seeing the city, he wept over it, saying: "If only you had known,
indeed even in this your day, which things are for your peace. But now they are hidden
from your eyes. For the days will overtake you. And your enemies will encircle you with a
valley. And they will surround you and hem you in on every side. And they will knock
you down to the ground, with your sons who are in you. And they will not leave stone
upon stone within you, because you did not recognize the time of your visitation." And
entering into the temple, he began to cast out those who sold in it, and those who
bought, saying to them: "It is written: 'My house is a house of prayer.' But you have
made it into a den of robbers." And he was teaching in the temple daily. And the leaders
of the priests, and the scribes, and the leaders of the people were seeking to destroy
him. But they could not find what to do to him. For all the people were listening to him
John 12:12-19
Then, on the next day, the great crowd that had come to the feast day, when they had
heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took branches of palm trees, and they went
ahead to meet him. And they were crying out: "Hosanna! Blessed is he who arrives in the
name of the Lord, the king of Israel!" And Jesus found a small donkey, and he sat upon
it, just as it is written: "Do not be afraid, daughter of Zion. Behold, your king arrives,
sitting on the colt of a donkey." At first, his disciples did not realize these things. But
when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that these things were written about
him, and that these things happened to him. And so the crowd that had been with him,
when he called Lazarus from the tomb and raised him from the dead, offered
testimony. Because of this, too, the crowd went out to meet him. For they heard that he
had accomplished this sign. Therefore, the Pharisees said among themselves: "Do you
see that we are accomplishing nothing? Behold, the entire world has gone after him."