April 4 2021
First Reading
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
And we do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, concerning those who are sleeping,
so as not to be sorrowful, like these others who do not have hope. For if we believe that
Jesus has died and risen again, so also will God bring back with Jesus those who sleep in
him. For we say this to you, in the Word of the Lord: that we who are alive, who remain
until the return of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord
himself, with a command and with the voice of an Archangel and with a trumpet of God,
shall descend from heaven. And the dead, who are in Christ, shall rise up first. Next, we
who are alive, who are remaining, shall be taken up quickly together with them into the
clouds to meet Christ in the air. And in this way, we shall be with the Lord always.
Therefore, console one another with these words.
Second Reading
2 Peter 3:8-15
Yet truly, let this one thing not escape notice, most beloved, that with the Lord one day
is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like one day. The Lord is not delaying
his promise, as some imagine, but he does act patiently for your sake, not wanting
anyone to perish, but wanting all to be turned back to penance. Then the day of the
Lord shall arrive like a thief. On that day, the heavens shall pass away with great
violence, and truly the elements shall be dissolved with heat; then the earth, and the
works that are within it, shall be completely burned up. Therefore, since all these things
will be dissolved, what kind of people ought you to be? In behavior and in piety, be
holy, waiting for, and hurrying toward, the advent of the day of the Lord, by which the
burning heavens shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt from the heat of the
fire. Yet truly, in accord with his promises, we are looking forward to the new heavens
and the new earth, in which justice lives. Therefore, most beloved, while awaiting these
things, be diligent, so that you may be found to be immaculate and unassailable before
him, in peace. And let the longsuffering of our Lord be considered salvation, as also our
most beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you,
Matthew 24:1-14
And Jesus departed from the temple and went away. And his disciples approached him,
so as to show him the buildings of the temple. But he said to them in response: "Do you
see all these things? Amen I say to you, there shall not remain here stone upon stone,
which is not torn down." Then, when he was seated at the Mount of Olives, the disciples
drew near to him privately, saying: "Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be
the sign of your advent and of the consummation of the age?" And answering, Jesus
said to them: "Pay attention, lest someone lead you astray. For many will come in my
name saying, 'I am the Christ.' And they will lead many astray. For you will hear of
battles and rumors of battles. Take care not to be disturbed. For these things must be,
but the end is not so soon. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against
kingdom. And there will be pestilences, and famines, and earthquakes in places. But all
these things are just the beginning of the sorrows. Then they will hand you over to
tribulation, and they will kill you. And you will be hated by all nations for the sake of my
name. And then many will be led into sin, and will betray one another, and will have
hatred for one another. And many false prophets will arise, and they will lead many
astray. And because iniquity has abounded, the charity of many will grow cold. But
whoever will have persevered until the end, the same shall be saved. And this Gospel of
the kingdom shall be preached throughout the entire world, as a testimony to all
nations. And then the consummation will occur.